Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


CBS scored a technical win over AMERICAN IDOL this last Thursday among that coveted 18-49 age demographic. However, AMERICAN IDOL did manage to capture an overall estimated 16.99 viewers compared to THE BIG BANG THEORY which drew an estimated 15,.96 million viewers. ROB was the third strongest show on Thursday with an estimated 11.58 million viewers, or nearly four times as many viewers as PARKS & RECREATION on NBC.

Rob Schneider has to be pretty pleased that he finally has a hit comedy associated with him. Usually, the word "hit", and Rob Schneider usually never appear in the same sentence. Part of the appeal of the show is the funny relationship he has with the Mexican family of his Mexican wife, giving the show some appeal among the growing segment of Latin viewers. The show is becoming far more evenly written after after a jerky pilot episode that was critically panned. CBS is already proclaiming the show to be a "hit" in advertising. Another good sign is that the show's ratings have stabilized at the 11.5 million mark. proving that the show has found an audience. Signs look good at this point for CBS to possibly renew the show beyond the probable 8 episodes they bought.

Thurday was very good for both CBS and FOX, but terriblle news for NBC. ABC's reruns of WIPEOUT, GREY'S ANATOMY and PRIVATE PRACTICE also fared very poorly as well. ABC pretty conceded last thursday to the big CBS and FOX.

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Outrageous McDonald's Business Trademark Ripoffs

Around the world some countries seem to take American trademark and copyrights far less seriously than here. That has only helped to spur more than a few really funny ripoffs of the famous McDonald's trademark yellow arches and other trademarks of the company. The Website, DAMN COOL PICTURES, posted these funny photos. Check out their great Website for many more laughable McDonald's ripoff photos and other great funny stuff.

KILLER KARAOKE Seriously Injures Contestant

Things sure went wrong on the set of a new upcoming singing competition game, KILLER KARAOKE, when a female contestant fell off the stage and broke many bones in her lower back after she was sprayed with water. The new singing competition show, which bis likely to air on TruTV in early 2012, involves contestants attempting to perform songs while there are attempts by the show to disrupt their singing. The object of the game is for a contestant to be able to perform despite water or other disruptions to their performance. It is based off a popular British TV show, SING IF YOU CAN.

JACKASS star Steve-O is the host of the new show, which already has it's first lawsuit because of the serious injuries to the female contestant.

That's one heck of a start to a show. You haven't even aired one, and you're already being sued.

Is This A Joke?

A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Is this a joke?". ----That's it, that's all she wrote. I heard this one this week. I suppose there just might be barely enough here to meet the legal definition of a joke according the international office of weights and measurements. And I think it was Justice Potter Stewart who once famously said, "I know a joke when I see it". Yet, somehow it seems like there should be more.

I also wonder about a quick little one like, "I once lived in a town so small, the post office had a screen door". Is that legally a joke or not?

I can't help but look to other more developed examples such as: A mother and her young toddler son were down at the beach, when suddenly a huge ocean wave sweeps the poor child out to sea. The mother pleads with Heaven, "Lord, Lord. Please bring my son back. I'll never ask for anything ever again". God must have been moved by the mother's anguished cries to Heaven, so suddenly a second wave from the ocean sweeps the little boy back safely the to shore. The mom looks at the boy, and then looks back up to Heaven and says, "Yeah, but he had a hat!". To me, that's a joke. More development.

So the question remains, is the opening example a joke?

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

The Demi Moore Crisis

After her marriage to Ashton Kutcher broke down, the life of Demi Moore has gone down a real spiral. It all seemed to reach a real head with her hospitalization this week, which has only fueled more rumored stories about anorexia, possible drug or alcohol abuse, or some serious health problems. But, many reports now claim that she was having some sort of epileptic seizure. However, she hasn't been publicly been known to have such a condition, so expect far more speculation about her condition to continue until she comes clean.

PEOPLE MAGAZINE now claims in a new story that Demi Moore will only be forced to be public about the true nature of all her problems. Now, that her serious problems have become such big news. Soon , the true nature of all of her demons will be an open book.

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Joe Paterno Dead At 85

Penn State's legendary coach, Joe Paterno has died as a result of his aggressive fast spreading lung cancer. It's a very sad end to this legendary figure who to leave his post at Penn State earlier in 2011 after a major sex scandal rocked the school's football program. Paterno was the school's head coach for 46 years, and a well loved figure. When he was forced into retirement by the assistant coach sex scandal involving Jerry Sandusky, students held protests on the campus.

There were stories that Paterno had consulted a lawyer because he might be possibly charged for not reporting knowledge of the sex scandal involving Sandusky, which seemed like terrible news. But, then more news came when it was disclosed that Paterno was suffering from aggressive and fast growing lung cancer. But, much of the public dismissed this news as a probable attempt to use a health issue to delay any investigation into Paterno's role in allowing the Jerry Sandusky sex scandal to continue.

Regardless of the serious scandal at the school, the death of Joe Paterno is deeply sad. And no doubt his sadness about the events played at least some role in his sad death. He was a great college sports legend, and should really be remembered for what he did for the game and his school.

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Strong Faith In God Aids The Recovery Of Lauren Scruggs

The strong faith in God of the family of Lauren Scruggs seems to be playing a critical role in her recovery efforts. The fashion blogger and GOSSIP GIRL wardrobe intern was critically injured in a aircraft ground accident last month when she accidentally walked into the plane's propeller. She apparently couldn't hear the pilot's warning over the engine noise. And some aviation sources questioned why the pilot allowed passengers to exit the plane while the engine was still running. The terrible accident resulted in the loss of the fashion blogger's left hand, left eye and horrific head and brain injuries. It is remarkable to see her fast recovery from such a terrible life threatening accident.

But, with the support of her loving family, Lauren Scruggs has survived this accident and even took to blogging her many fans and supporters this past week, thanking them for their support.

The fashion blogger no doubt had many prayers from her many fans as well. And faith will no doubt play a critical role in the difficult adjustment to her new life. We certainly wish her the very best.