Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Rihanna Gets Spanked With A Second S&M Lawsuit

Sexy and sensual singer Rihanna has just gotten spanked again with a second lawsuit over her S&M album. This time, a fashion designer from Paris claims that the bondage themed video for S&M illegally borrows copyrighted images of his own and is seeking damages in court. This is the second lawsuit the hot R&B singer has faced over the S&M album or it's videos. A previous lawsuit by an artist and filmmaker, David LaChappelle, claimed ideas and images of his own intellectual property were ripped off by the singer. He strongly advised the singer to get her owns ideas.

Rihanna's lawyers have their work cut out for them to navigate around these legal hurdles.

No comment from Rihanna so far, who just seems to be very happy performing and promoting the new album . She claims that her interest in a little bit of kink is real and not just total record promotion hype. Rihanna has claimed in a recent interview in ROLLING STONE that, "Being submissive in the bedroom is really fun....You get to be a little lady, to have somebody be macho and in charge of your shit. That's fun to me....I like to be spanked". OK. I guess lawyers are doing the spanking now, Rihanna. I hope that's fun enough for ya?

BTW, if the singer really likes a little pain. Then she probably felt just a little when she fell during her onstage performance in Edmonton, Canada the other night.

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