Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Casey Anthony Gets A $1 Million Porn Offer

Holy Christ! Here's a story straight out of the bowels of Hell itself! After being acquitted of the murder of her two year old daughter, Casey Anthony has been offered $1 million to do porn by CEO Steven Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment. However, as outrageous as this story is, it appears that Casey Anthony may make herself a millionaire without having to take her clothes off. Anthony will likely sign deals to sell her story to the press for a high price. Right now, her attorney, Jose Baez, appears to be her contact for job offers for the acquitted accused killer.

According to evidence introduced at trial, the body of the Casey Anthony's 2 year old daughter, Caylee, probably decomposed for days in the trunk of a car, while Anthony lied to police giving them false information meant to stall the murder investigation. While the jury didn't find this evidence compelling enough to convict on one hand, Vivid's CEO Hirsch found this notoriety enough to make Anthony the huge porn offer. Gez.

Welcome to crime news story Hell!

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