Sabtu, 12 November 2011

14 Year Old Entrepreneur's Awesome Vegan Cup Cake Business

The biggest portion of America's economic strength is in it's entrepreneurs and their individual efforts to make our economy strong. And one small connoisseur vegan cup cake home business run by 14 year old Clara Polito is getting a lot of buzz. Young Clara simply makes some of America's best tasting cup cakes by far, vegan or not. Her small, but growing little business is really impressing even the most discriminating of tastes who love excellent baked goods. At just $36,00 a dozen, despite using very expensive ingredients, Clara's cup cakes are simply a work of art and some of the best tasting and beautiful cakes produced by any bakery in America.

Mouth watering varieties include vanilla, Velvet jonsi or chocolate, as well as a unique bubblegum flavored cup cake, a chocolate hazelnut variety, and a unique one called lemon pow, which has a very strong and wonderful lemon flavor. Because Clara is a vegan, and an animal rights supporter, none of her wonderful cakes include any dairy, honey or eggs. She is able to use finest quality vegan substitutes for any animal product in her wonderful kitchen confections. Despite no dairy in her cakes, the flavor is actually far better than other cakes made with eggs or dairy products.

What is so nice about Clara's business is that she has taken her love of animals, as well as her skills in business, and as a top notch baker, and is making a difference. This is America's future right here. Let's see her business grow into a national one. A Clara's Cakes business belongs on every corner as much as any Starbucks. These cakes are that good.

What some company like Ben & Jerry's has done to elevate ice cream to a connoisseur level, Clara has done for cup cakes. Clara gets rave national reviews for her small home based business including some television exposure. Her business needs to go national. You can order your cakes from Clara at or call at (805)334-0390 to order, or better yet, to propose investing in Clara's business.

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