Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Chris Brown Goes On GMA Rampage

Singer Chris Brown turned angry after some interview questions on GOOD MORNING AMERICA and reportedly broke a window with a chair and ripped his shirt off, leaving the show in a angry state. The singer had been asked some questions about his felony beating case involving singer Rihanna.

None of this angry outburst was caught on camera apparently. After his interview segment, the singer returned to his dressing room, and started the violent rampage. By the time that security arrived to control the situation, Brown had already bolted from the building. Brown also reportedly stared down a GMA segment producer outside the building on the street, but no violence took place as others got involved to attempt to calm the situation down.

Brown then blew off another ABC interview that was supposed to take place for their website. But, Brown later posted an angry message on Twitter, "I'm so over people bringing this past shit up!!! Yet we praise Charlie Sheen and other celebs for there(sic) bullshit". Brown later pulled this angry message down and posted a softer message to his fans about his latest album.

The singer is supposed to be on probation for the felony case. So far no new charges have been brought against the singer for this new violence or whether it could result in his probation being revoked as he was supposed to obey all laws as one condition of his probation.

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