Senin, 14 Maret 2011

The Meltdown, The Devastation, The Charlie Sheen

The latest on Charlie Sheen's troubled life is that he missed out his son's birthday because his ex, Brooke Mueller didn't invite him to the party held at the home of Paris Hilton's parents. About 50 people attended this party, but not Charlie Sheen. And in a new "stealth" video, Sheen is seen wearing camouflage and has been giving clenched fist salutes recently as though he's some sort of bullshit version of a Fidel Castrotype Communist dictator or something. It's a pitiful sight.

But, last and not least, Sheen can't find porn star Capri Anderson to serve her an extortion lawsuit. Oh, that's strange. Sheen suddenly can't find a porn star if his life depended on it.

Some people sure work hard all day, don't they? Being a nut's a full time job it seems.

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