Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Paul Reiser's New Show Canceled After Second Episode

Paul Reiser's return to NBC was supposed to be a huge event at the network. Instead, the new show met with terrible critical reviews as well as soft ratings and was canceled by NBC after only airing twice. NBC had much higher hopes than this for the former star of their once big hit, MAD ABOUT YOU, instead critics compared the show to a lame version of CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM(which some critics claim is a less good version of SEINFELD).

All of this puts NBC back to square zero to find another Thursday night blockbuster. Sadly, one of NBC's best bets quickly wilted here when it quickly became the lowest rated comedy ever aired by NBC. A disaster of historical proportions for the Peacock network.

Well, at least Jay Leno has new joke material after this debacle.

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