Rabu, 27 April 2011

SOUTH PARK Opens Season 15 With "HumancentiPad" Episode

Tonight's the big night SOUTH PARK fans. You won't be disappointed at the disgusting little premiere tonight as SOUTH PARK manages to take at swipe at both Apple's iPad as well THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE horror film, creating an outrageous mix sure to become another gross-out classic.

In case you haven't seen it, THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE was reviewed here at Wizbang Pop in recent months and involved an outrageous horror film in which three persons were sewn together mouth to anus, creating a monstrosity and eventual death for two of the persons. The film was an unbelievable gross out horror film, and apparently impressed the SOUTH PARK writers enough to use a premise in their scathing parody on Apple and their iPad.

This is a must watch for all you South Park fans, and a true guilty pleasure.

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