Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

Crime: Is The "Occupy" Movement Responsible For The Hollywood Arsons

Local law enforcement officials have ruled out terrorism with the rash of Hollywood arsons. But now, someone with the "Occupy" movement could be associated with the wave of arsons against prime real estate they might associate with wealth.

And the latest attempted federal crimes for the "Occupy" movement was a number of arrests on Saturday from "Occupy Iowa" protesters, who blocked the doors to a Democratic state party headquarters in the state. One 14 year old high school aged girl has been arrested for the third time, because only local trespassing charges were filed against her and not much stiffer federal charges for interference in the voting process were charge. Some spokesman for the "Occupy Iowa" movement claimed that the loose organization of protesters aren't trying to disrupt the caucuses, yet others pledge to do just that, disrupt the voting at Tuesday's statewide caucuses.

All of this represents just why problems with the "Occupy" movement have grown so out of control. Protesters commit serious federal crimes such as interfering in banking, interfering in interstate commerce when they blocked the transfer of goods by trucking from the Western coast state's docks, and now are stepping up to illegal interference in federally protected voting rights.

In California, the rash of arsons of prime real estate properties could well be the work of someone associated with the "Occupy" movement as well, because they seem to be targeting properties associated with upper income individuals. The former home of Jim Morrison, the late singer of The Doors, was targeted by some arsonist criminal. The luxury three story historic home is valued at more than $1.1 million.

At some point, law enforcement officials will likely want to send a message to the "Occupy" movement to only engage in constitutionally protected protests and legal free speech rights, and to stop the illegal acts such as arson or federal crimes associated with the movement. Interference in the Iowa caucuses may just push that legal button. Courts have never looked kindly on extremists such as the Ku Klux Klan or others who prevented voters from voting. Likely, the courts just won't view interference in the voting process as a legitimate political protest, when other perfectly legal protests are possible.

Light My Fire: Jim Morrison's Home Damaged In Hollywood Arson Attack

The $1.119 million dollar former home of the legendary singer, Jim Morrison of The Doors, was one of 19 properties damaged by early morning arson attacks in Hollywood, California. The residence helped to inspire Morrison to write the classic album track, "Love Street". Jim Morrison once lived in the 3 story home with his longtime girlfriend, Pamela Courson. 56 firemen fought the fire for 35 minutes in the home built in 1922, saving the historic residence from complete destruction. It appears that it was largely the front part of the home that was badly damaged by the arson, making the rebuild and restoration very likely of the home which has recently been listed as a an exclusive rental property for persons wanting to spend some time in the legendary singer's former home.

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Russell Brand Files For Divorce From Katy Perry

The dream team marriage of wildly popular British comic actor Russell Brand and pop music icon Katy Perry is ending in divorce. Brand filed papers charging "irreconcilable differences" in the marriage as the cause of the breakdown of this marriage. It should however be noted that rumors exist that Brand just didn't approve of the late night party ways of Katy Perry after he personally spent time in therapy for for both drug and sex addiction problems. There are also some rumors that Katy Perry was really the one wanting to end the marriage, however her religious upbringing caused her to seek that brand would file the papers ending the marriage instead of her. Both, were recently photographed in public minus their wedding rings, strongly suggesting that this divorce was hardly a surprise to either party, but carefully planned ahead of time with both parties out of the country at the time. The papers were filed in Los Angeles court.

Their isn't any children involved in this short 14 month marriage, and it is highly possible that both had some sort of prenup papers, meaning that this divorce may be very simple in the courts and hardly involve any major disputes. This might signify a clean and easy break for these two.


What an unbelievable sequel to the highly controversial original film, THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE, this film is. Shot in B&W, converted from color footage, this British-Dutch horror film is a real masterwork of the macabre. While offering up little in way of dialog beyond many moans and screams for the most, this film acts as a very morbid chronicle of the sick and twisted fascinations of a very strange little overweight and mentally ill parking lot attendant, Martin Lomax(played by British character actor Laurence R. Harvey). Lomax is a deeply disturbed fan the original HUMAN CENTIPEDE film who plays the film over and over, and even becomes sexually aroused at the film. He begins a terrible task of gathering victims to construct a crudely fashioned version of the centipede creation from the first film.

Being shot in B&W, with British characters helps to give this deeply disturbing film a very classic look. I personally love B&W, and consider many great movies shot in B&W to be real masterpieces. And as far as macabre crime stories go, this second episode in THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE series is so deeply outrageous that it ranks as a true classic of horror filmmaking. This film goes places that the old Universal and Hammer horror films never dare to tread. I don't want to spoil the shock value with too many details here. But this film just shocks beyond belief. It's almost pornographically horrible. in fact, in the UK, the film was only allowed to be shown in the country after 32 edits were made in the film.

The Bottom Line: A truly shocking and outrageous horror film with a real classic look thanks to the clever use of B&W film. ***(Three Stars, Good. Buy or rent this only if you truly love horror films. Everyone else will be repelled by this deeply gruesome and film).

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

The Cheetah Death Controversy

Yesterday, it was announced that Cheetah the chimpanzee from the 1930's TARZAN films had died over the weekend at a Florida animal sanctuary by major news organizations. It was claimed that he died at the age of 80 from Kidney failure. Today, this news is being strongly questioned. Animal experts claim that the normal life expectancy for a chimpanzee in captivity is around 40 years. One well documented case did note one chimpanzee that lived to be 60, but that was the rare exception.

The chimp that died was indeed a remarkable creature. He loved to listen to Christian music, which he found very relaxing. His hobby was finger painting. His favorite television programs were football games, although it was never known whether he actually had a particular favorite team. Maybe chimps don't think quite that deep. But, chimps are an amazingly intelligent animal, a close relative to mankind. But, all said, it seems highly unlikely that this particular chimp actually lived to be 80.

No doubt the management of the Florida animal sanctuary took very good care of a very remarkable animal, with great personality and intelligence. But, it was probably some sort of mistaken identity that this was also one of the greatest animal stars of all time as well.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011


Even the sheer star power of Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore and Ron Perlman can't save this visually appealing but confused mess of a film that had aimed for high things, only to shoot for the ground instead. For me, it only took about five minutes realize that I don't like this film. And other critics agree with me as well, as BUNRAKU has achieved a lowly 16% positive rating among the critics poll on Rotten Tomatoes. That's not particularly good, is it?

Set in a strange and futuristic setting, BUNRAKU hoped to achieve a surreal and cartoonish look. And it does that. But, the film just isn't that interesting, with not really all that much of a story to tell other than some mysterious drifter and a young Samurai warrior battle criminals in a futuristic city. Unfortunately, this story of an odd truce of the Yoshi, the Samurai, the drifter, and a bartender to battle the criminal world of Nicola, the "woodcutter", is hardly THE SEVEN SAMURAI or even THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN by any stretch of the imagination Those films were great, this film sure isn't.

Audiences did enjoy this film somewhat more than the critics. But, that was only a 50/50 proposition there. That's hardy enough to recommend this film.

The Bottom Line: A very disappointing movie experience for me. I can't recommend this film to anyone. *1/2(One and a half stars, or a little better than flat out poor because of the amount of all the artistic effort this film took, but without a sufficient story to match, this effort was for naught).


Hidden among many popular favorites at the video store is this little overlooked gem, A HORRIBLE WAY TO DIE. Shot almost in a matter of fact documentary style, it traces the parallel lives of a woman who once had a relationship with s serial killer, but later helped to put him away in prison after their relationship went bust and the serial killer's escape from prison while being transported by police. The woman has since fallen into alcoholism because of all the psychological trauma brought on her life and is now attending alcoholic recovery meetings.

Another shocking turn of events is a small group of twisted groupie fans of the serial killer which only help to add another frightening layer dimension to this very unsettling crime story.

This little gem has been nominated for major awards at the Fantastic Fest, including Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress. The film debuted at the Toronto Film Festival and manages to blur the lines between a gritty crime drama and a horror film, with it's terrifying examples of sadistic violence.

The Bottom Line: A true overlooked gem of a film. Very fine filmmaking and storytelling combined with very credible acting make this a great little film sure not to disappoint. ***(Three Stars, Good. Definitely buy or rent this fine film).

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

My Girlfriend's Incredible Glamour Photo Shoot

Everyday I find out something new and wonderful about my girlfriend, Monica, and I was absolutely awed by the wonderful glamour photo shoot she was featured in a few years ago. Her photographer was just wonderful and did such excellent work. Here's two of my favorite shots. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Major League WTF?: Woman Arrested For Assault On Elderly Walmart Greeter

A 26 year old woman was arrested for a violent assault on a 70 year old greeter at a New York Walmart after she punched the elderly woman who simply asked to see her receipts for the items she purchased. The arrested woman had all of the receipts for the items she paid for, but apparently objected to cooperating with Walmart's loss prevention program. Employees and customers were so outraged at the brutal assault on the elderly woman that they quickly moved against the suspect, Jacquetta Simmons.

Simmons was charged with two counts of second degree assault.

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Newt Gingrich Fails To Make Primary Ballot In Home State

Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich sure got a big lump of coal for Christmas from his home state or residency, Virginia, when he failed to make the ballot because of some state election rule regarding 10,000 valid signatures required to make the ballot. For the same reason, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas also was slighted here as well. It had to be an incredible blow to Gingrich who has declared Virginia as home for the last decade since quiting Congress. Gingrich's campaign organizers submitted 11, 050 signatures to state election officials, however enough of the signatures appeared to be either duplicate signatures or else invalid, so election officials denied his spot on the ballot.

Likely, Gingrich will have to appeal the process and attempt to gain a spot on the ballot, otherwise he is denied a spot on his home state ballot on the critical Super Tuesday voting,

The simply unbelievable decision by state election officials had to be a huge disappointment by the two major candidates for president denied ballot status because of crazy state rules that don't just automatically include all major candidates on the ballot for public office by the Virginia Secretary Of State's office. However, Gingrich's campaign director, Michael Krull, did make an unhelpful confounding remark comparing the surprise move by Virginia election officials to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. We both understand what he means, and don't understand what he means.

Gingrich's campaign is likely to launch a write-in campaign or explore other legal options. In a close election campaign, a handful of delegates here or there may spell the difference for the winning ultimate party nominee.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

SMiLE: The Greatest Unreleased Album Ever!

From 1966 through 1967, Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys had a dream to make his fantastic concept album SMiLE a follow-up to PET SOUNDS . The album incorporated some fantastic and revolutionary new recording technology such as the song "Good Vibrations" which reportedly cost as much as $100,000 in production money to produce. According to Brian Wilson, the album was intended to be a "teenage symphony to God", and was supposed to be a landmark album back in the day when groups like the Beatles had raised the bar quite a few levels with their awesome SGT. PEPPER masterpiece, another Capitol Records released masterpiece from 1967. Both SGT. PEPPER and SMiLE likely could have been considered the two greatest albums of all time, and despite the huge success of "Good Vibrations" as a number one single, SMiLE just never was released. The song did finally make it on to the album SMILEY SMILE nearly one year after it was released.

The Beach Boys were beset with a wide range of problems while the work on SMiLE drug on for months and months. Mike Love didn't like the SMiLE project and raised significant opposition to it, creating dissent within the group. And song co-writer Van Dyke Parks quit as he didn't believe in the project either. Carl Wilson was having a legal battle with the draft board at the time, hoping to avoid military service in Vietnam , and Brian Wilson was beginning to experience worsening mental health problems. Add all of these problems to the groups ongoing legal battle with Capitol Records, to leave the label for a more creatively free contract elsewhere, and the SMiLE project just seem damned from the beginning. SMILEY SMILE was a quickly thrown together project meant to satisfy the contractual obligation of the Beach Boys to Capitol although . SMILEY SMILE didn't do really well for the act, and only peaked at #41 on the U.S. charts, although in the UK did better, and reached #9 there.

By 1967, Brian Wilson wanted the surf-oriented band to remain relevant with the times, and hoped that the psychedelic-era inspired SMiLE would keep the act current, but the album just never happened. In 2003, Brian Wilson started work on a new digitally recorded version of SMiLE that was released in 2004. And now, there is significant critical acclaim for the SMiLE SESSIONS, a newly released boxset that includes a reconstruction of the original concept album from the original master tapes along with many outtake and studio banter recordings. And the Beach Boys are announcing plans for a new tour in 2012 as well. Some bootleg releases have offered up a construction of SMiLE, but never before have the original tapes sounded this good. This album is a true masterpiece that likely could have kept the Beach Boys a top act. But, the reality was that SMILEY SMILE was the beginning of their decline as top act, with a lesser lever of popularity that point on. SMiLE remains a great what if in musical history.

Maybe, the California sun just never sets on the surf, and Summer is endless after all.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

More Legal Troubles For GIRLS GONE WILD

GIRLS GONE WILD founder Joe Francis has made himself a very wealthy man from exploiting young women flashing on camera. But, that hasn't always made up for all of the serious legal problems his Mantra film production company has brought him. The latest legal incident seems more minor compared to jail time and huge fines he has already paid because of prior legal problems and tax problems. It seems that a few nights ago, GIRLS GONE WILD rented a Hollywood mansion for a nude photo shoot that neighbors found extremely offensive so they called the police who cited the company with a misdemeanor charge of filming a movie without a permit.

Francis started out as a business student in college and has grown a controversial film empire that started with a line of BANNED FROM TV video series that made him a millionaire by the age of 24. But, then he decided that having young women flash in public would be more fun, and he bought half hour infomercial time on cable TV channels at wee hours of the morning signing customers up for automatic shipments of his videos which brought him FTC legal problems for not always be upfront and disclosing this fact.

But, more serious problems for Francis developed in Panama City, Florida during Spring break in 2003 when Francis was arrested on 71 very serious charges which included racketeering, drug trafficking and failure to follow federal 18USC #2257 laws. His private jet among other property were seized, but after a judge threw out most of the charges his jet and other property were returned in 2007. Francis did eventually have to pay $2.1 million dollar fine for failure to follow federal 18USC #2257 rules in regards to record keeping of the ages of young women appearing in his videos as all other American companies dealing in adult material are required to do. This sloppy way of doing business later led to a lawsuit by four young women who claimed that they were under the age of 18 at the time that GIRLS GONE WILD filmed them. One had even claimed to be as young as 13 at the time. But, the case was settled in court with none of the plaintiffs receiving anything in the way of damages.

Tax problems also landed Francis in jail as well. But these felony charges were eventually reduced to misdemeanor charges. The IRS claims that Francis owed more than $33 million in back taxes, however Francis claims that the IRS seized more than $100 million from his bank accounts.

Of all of the softcore porn companies that ever existed, the empire of Joe Francis has been far more troubled by legal issues than most. Maybe he's been unfairly targeted by authorities, or maybe, he just does business in such a terrible way that he attracts problems. But regardless, his GIRLS GONE WILD empire has faced more serious legal issues than most other adult entertainment companies by far.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

LIVE WITH KELLY Ratings Tumble

Without Regis Philbin as co-host, the ratings for LIVE WITH KELLY have taken a big hit recently. Latest numbers are down by about 35 percent, as the show hasn't found a permanent co-host replacement since Regis Philbin announced his retirement. Word was that Regis didn't like the terms of his new contract, which pushed him toward an earlier retirement. Some names like comic Dana Carvey have been mentioned as possible replacements, and Jerry Seinfeld did fill in for a few days as co-host. But, without a big draw name, the show is doing badly in the ratings and could eventually be a candidate for cancellation if the situation doesn't stabilize and the ratings drop stops. Stay tuned!

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

The End Of The Road For Saab

After 64 years building some respected automobile designs, Saab automobiles will soon disappear for good. The unusual brand started in Sweden, becoming one of Europe's last manufacturers to still build some automobiles powered by two stroke engines until the company joined with most other world manufacturers building their own version of cleaner burning four stroke engine designs. Saab and Volvo remained as Sweden's two top car brands for many years, before Saab was eventually acquired by GM. However, when GM sought a U.S. government backed loan agreement to stay in business, the company was forced to cut back their lines and Saab was cut free. The brand struggled on it's own, and sought to be sold to a Chinese automobile brand, however GM nixed the deal, claiming that they had too much intellectual property invested in Saab to sell to another company. This all essentially brought Saab to the brink of bankruptcy and the end of the road financially, where the company now seeks bankruptcy to close down the brand and pay off corporate debts.

Saab also was an important manufacturer of defense aircraft and radar systems as well, however the December 19, 2011 declaration of bankruptcy apparently ends that venture as well. GM no doubt had some serious concerns here as well about China purchasing this technology as well.

A long history of building interesting looking automobiles and high tech aircraft appears to end here. And the Chinese hopes of acquiring an important automobile brand ends as well. It's a sad end to a brand that was once the pride of Sweden.

DVD Review: 11/11/11

Don't you just hate those pesky open portals to Hell? Well, I'm sure the characters in 11/11/11 sure do. But seriously, 11/11/11 is a quirky and better than usual offering from independent horror brand The Asylum. With a more traditional movie type final production work, this release from The Asylum has a true theatrical movie look compared to some other Asylum releases that had that college film class look about them. Sure, this company still releases some ridiculous titles such as ALMIGHTY THOR meant to confuse viewers who thought that they were going to watch that far more successful film, THOR. But, standing on it's own to legs, 11/11/11 is a decent attempt at horror film making and has more than a few good moments along with a healthy helping of quirky characters and interesting casting.

11/11/11 seems well written enough with one strange event and character building up to a frightening climax. It's a good example of decent writing, acting and story development as a married couple discover that their son is the gateway to the apocalypse.

The Bottom Line: At one time I discounted The Asylum as a brand of films lacking enough acceptable standards for me to enjoy as a brand. But, no more. The Asylum keeps on improving. and offering better and better films. 11/11/11 is effective enough, well produced enough, that it can up against any offering from Lionsgate or other major horror genre producers. (** 1/2(Two and a half stars, or better than fair. Nearly good. Worth watching this film. I'm looking forward to a new April release by Asylum, NAZIS AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. This looks to be an outrageous classic with some successful elements of DEAD SNOW included).

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Rob Schneider Gets New Attempt To Fail At CBS

As much as I just love Rob Schneider, his name is hardly often thought of in the same sentence with the word, success. His movies are critically panned, and his TV career has been less than stellar as well. But, Rob's an incredibly decent man who always tries his best. After, 9/11 he volunteered his time touring with the USO. He cares enough people that they need to give him a chance, although it can be rather painful at times. My favorite quote about Rob Schneider comes from Patrick Goldstein of THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, who sarcastically commented that DEUCE BIGALOW: MALE GiGOLO was overlooked for an Oscar because "nobody had the foresight to invent a category for Best Running Penis Joke Delivered By A Third Rate Comic". That pretty much sums up the near universal disappointment in former SNL cast member Rob Schneider as an actor and comic by the critics. But, such cutting words sure haven't deterred him from continuing to act.

Usually, Rob Schneider has operated in the shadow of his friend, Adam Sandler. However, for ROB, his new CBS show, he steps out on his own as a writer for his own show. CBS sort of liked the pilot he offered them when he attempted to make the Fall schedule, but they didn't like some of the characters and wanted to see some script changes. CBS liked the revamped show enough that they gave ROB a eight show trial as a mid-season replacement in January.

When Rob Schneider's last show was canceled by NBC, MEN BEHAVING BADLY, he was gracious to have been given the opportunity by the network. Likewise, always being the gentleman, Rob Schneider needs to prepare himself in case this newest gig fails. Let's all wish him the best this time around. This guy deserves to have something click again. I'll watch and give him a chance.

Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011

It's Here!: SANTA & HIS SLED 2011

Hey kids, I know you've waited all year for this. Well, here's SANTA & HIS SLED 2011. Remember only just a few shopping days before Christmas!

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

AMERICA''S GOT TALENT:The Mainstreaming Of Howard Stern

Piers Morgan will be missed when he exits the panel of judges for this next Summer's season of AMERICA's GOT TALENT. But, America should have nothing to fear when controversial pay radio celebrity Howard Stern takes over for Morgan. Howard Stern should be outspoken as usual, but expect him to make the most of this opportunity to look for a mainstream media break, something that he's missed since the FCC pretty well forced the shock jock off public radio onto the uncensored world of pay per listen satellite radio.

You can expect Howard Stern to be outspoken as usual, but this is actually too big of an opportunity for him to blow. This will be his biggest attempt at breaking into the mainstream market since his great autobiographical film, PRIVATE PARTS. While this show was often funny, it also showed a kinder and gentler Howard Stern at moments who appeared to be a good family man and loyal to his wife. However, since then he has moved on to another love, but seems to be just as loyal to her.

Howard Stern is being paid a reported $20 million dollars, and it's a golden opportunity to be seen by a wider audience than the lonely exile of satellite radio. Howard Stern is a very shrewd businessman. He knows that this is big break for him as well as the contestants on the show. Expect him to make the most of this opportunity to further market himself.

From his humble roots as a young enterprising boy from Queens, Howard learned what many humble persons did to break out of that cycle of having very little. They need to sell themselves as a commodity to the public, market their talents to get ahead. And judging from his massive success so far, Howard has been a master of this self-marketing. This new opportunity to go mainstream should hold every advantage for Howard.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Smoking Chimp Dies At 44

Booie, the 44 year old chimp who quit the smoking habit, only to develop a habit for sweets, has died. Once rescued from a research lab, the chimp had been living at an animal refuge. He had become an expert of sign language, and was able to communicate with staff about his wants. He was able to put together entire sentences using sign language, for example, "Booie, see sweet in pocket" to beg for candy. He was a deeply intelligent animal, proving the great intelligence of apes.

Booie passed away from heart problems at his home at an animal refuge near Los Angeles. Normally, chimps don't often live past 40, so it doesn't appear that his prior habit of smoking had a great impact on his health. Only a few rare chimps have lived as old as 60 in captivity, though.

Chimps are a strange animal in that they possess great intelligence on one hand, however their animal instincts can make them a potentially dangerous animal in that a chimp has such great strength that they could tear a grown man limb from limb although they are only as tall as child. As intelligent as chimps are, the older they get, they get sometimes more unpredictable and dangerous. This is why young chimps are often trained and used in stunts and TV work and retired as they get older.

FEAR FACTOR Controversy: Producers Edited Contestant Tape To Suggest Inappropriate Relationship Between Mother And Son

NBC's return of FEAR FACTOR has already been caught in controversy, and not for some awful stunt the contestants were asked to perform. It appears that the producers of the show may have edited footage of a mother and son competing on the show to suggest that the two may be having an inappropriate relationship with each other.

The producers of the show featured a long hug of the mother and son team after completing a grueling task, and then featured a crude joke by Joe Rogan, "I hug my my every time I see her.....but then I let go", which seemed to falsely suggest the two have an inappropriate relationship.

The mother, who for now only prefers to go by the name, Monica, is an ex-bodybuilder, is extremely upset at the crude joke as well as the editing job to make the awful suggestion of some inappropriate mother and son relationship, but will probably decline to sue at this time, according to a TMZ report. TMZ also attempted to contact FEAR FACTOR over this incident, but so far hasn't heard back.

Normally, NBC is really good about keeping in contact with entertainment news sources. Today alone, NBC sent Wizbang Pop two emails keeping us with the latest show news over at the network. So where is FEAR FACTOR today. Are they afraid of something?

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

MAD Magazine's "The 20 Dumbest People, Events And Things 2011" Issue Out

Just like TIME Magazine that has it's much anticipated "Man Of the Year" issue, MAD Magazine's yearly 20 "Dumbest People, Events And Things " issue is out for the year. And the cover is a an excellent parody of Nirvana's NEVERMIND cover art, featuring President Obama swimming after a dollar bill. The normally liberal-leaning publication in fact took a pretty hard swipe at the president and congress both, comparing them to gutless zombies in a WALKING DEADsque parody. And MAD found more easy targets including those with a blind eye to the sexual abuse scandal at Penn State as well as Charlie Sheen, Anthony Weiner, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, the NBA(No Basketball Association) and more.

You'll howl with either laughter or anger, as MAD takes a few hard jabs and swipes at some outrageous targets through a mix of top grade parody and satire as well as some sharp journalism. In all of the years that MAD has been doing this, this is perhaps the best ever. Buy this issue. It's a classic!

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

The Net Worth Of The Presidential Candidates: Which Millionaire Do You Want To Be President?

Mitt Romney created a little bad publicity for himself during Saturday night's Republican debate in Iowa when he made a $10,000 wager with fellow candidate Rick Perry. But, don't worry he can afford this wager. You see, Romney is worth an estimated $202 million dollars, and tops the list among the wealthiest candidates running for president this year, all of which are millionaires. The only thing that could spoil this if Donald Trump should run for president as an independent candidate. You see, he's a billionaire worth an estimated $2.9 billion according Forbes. But, Trump actually claims to be worth $7 billion dollars.

President Obama is actually next up on the list of millionaires running for president, with an estimated net worth of $10.5 million. Last year alone, the Obama family managed to have an income in excess of $5.5 million dollars thanks largely to book royalties. And book royalties figure highly in the net worth of Newt Gingrich as well, who is worth an estimated $6.7 million. Gee, those book royalties sure make a lot of money for both Obama and Gingrich. Interestingly, one of these three wealthiest men, Romney, Obama or Gingrich is more likely than not to be the next president.

Herman Cain, who suspended his campaign after more than a few problems with women developed, might be actually be worth as much as $6.3 million. Gee, making pizzas sure brings in the dough!

And while some people might think that Ron Paul is a little goofy, he must be crazy as a fox, because the Texas congressman is worth an estimated $4.9 million dollars. Speaking of crazy like a fox, controversial Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann is worth an estimated $3 million dollars.

Bring up the rear, there's Gov. Rick Perry worth an estimated $2.8 million dollars and finally Rick Santorum worth an estimated $2.5 million. Rick Perry could probably use that $10,000 wager money from Romney.

As wealthy as this group of presidential candidates may seem, they are relative paupers compared to at least two presidents we had. According to Huff Post Business, our first president, George Washington was worth $525 million dollars. But, John Kennedy's family estate was worth an estimated $1 billion dollars by comparison.

So, for as much talk as some people have about being the 99%, the voters are going to elect someone from the 1% to represent them in the White House once again in 2012. Some things never change it seems.

Alec Baldwin Pokes Fun At His Airline Problems On SNL

Maybe it was making a bad situation a little worse, maybe it wasn't. but 30 ROCK star Alec Baldwin managed to have one of the standout moments on last night's SNL During the news segment, Alec Baldwin displayed some fine acting as an American Airlines captain who was supposedly there to offer the actor an apology from the airlines. It was a surprise moment and indeed very funny. But, it also became the latest poke in the nose from the actor who just doesn't seem to be able to say the last word about last week's incidents in which he behaved like a big baby when he refused to stop playing a game on his cellphone and slammed the lavatory door on the plane, resulting in his being ejected from the flight.

BTW: Although a good episode of SNL, largely due to the comic contributions of guest host Katy Perry last night, there were far less jokes about her boobs than had been previously rumored. In the final mix, many skits were apparently cut from the show last night. Sometimes these rehearsal skits make it the Internet in a few days. You might try to Google a few of these outtake skits.

Portland Trailblazers All-Star Brandon Roy Forced Into Early Retirement

The All-Star player for the Portland Trailblazers, Brandon Roy, had to reluctantly announce his retirement at the age of 27 due to knee problems. For just five seasons, Roy provided the team a major effort starting with an average of 16.8 points a game during his rookie year, peaking at 22.6 points a game during his third season with the team. Last season, Roy had to miss 35 games due to injuries.

The team's orthopedist, Dr. Don Roberts examination of the Blazers star revealed way too much degenerative knee damage for Roy to continue his career as an NBA player, effectively ending his short carer with the stunning announcement on Friday.

Despite knee surgery, Roy had bone on bone friction in his knees, resulting in new damage each time he would attempt to run, jump and shoot the ball. The extent of this damage has to have serious consequences for his future life in retirement as well. He may have made a lot of money as a top NBA player, and has handsome good looks, but he leaves professional sports with some serious injuries that are sure to degrade his future personal life.

It's a very sad end to a career of a very fine professional basketball player.

Friday was a devastatingly bad day news day for the Portland Trailblazers. Not only was the bad news about Brandon Roy announced, but Blazers center Greg Oden suffered another injury recovery setback, and power forward LaMarcus Aldridge was sidelined with an ongoing heart related problem .

Movie Review: RAMPART

Woody Harrelson is back with one of his greatest screen performances of his career in RAMPART, a top grade police drama about the infamous Rampart corruption scandal within the Los Angeles Police Department back in 1999. Woody Harrelson plays a disgraceful and tortured, corrupt character, ,who balances his private life between his two ex-wives. Critics polled at Rotten Tomatoes gave this fine film a solid 73% approval, and with good reason. This is a gripping tale, glued together by Woody Harrelson's fine acting.

Israeli filmmaker Oren Moverman deserves special credit here for putting together such a fine police drama about the problem plagued late 90's anti-gang unit of the Los Angeles Police Department that eventually implicated over 70 officers in some sort of wrongdoing including evidence tampering, perjury and other crimes in their frustrated efforts to control the gang problems within the city. The City Of Los Angeles eventually had pay out $125 in damages through lawsuits to persons wronged because of this widespread misconduct scandal.

This is easily one of the best films of 2011, and has been recently released in theaters in late November. It's certainly a notable film to watch.

The Bottom Line: One of 2011's best films, along with the fine acting skills of great actor Woody Harrelson, easily make this a fine choice to catch at your local theater. ***(Three Stars, or a very good film by all means).

No! God No! Brooke Mueller Spotted At Gun Range!

Fresh from her arrest a week ago for cocaine possession and assault charges, Charlie Sheen's ex, Brooke Mueller was spotted at a gun range wearing a cowboy hat, waving a real-life handgun. Oh, that's just what you wanna see at this point. Someone with gun and anger control issues involved with guns. Nothing can possibly go wrong there, huh?

You also have to ask yourself, "Could Brooke possibly polishing up her gun shooting skills at this range or something?". Why is someone with drug and anger control issues even at such a place? This is absurd!

For her part, Brooke Mueller claims after her arrest on the drug and assault charge that she'll re-enter yet another drug rehab program, one more time, once again. I've lost count, which rebab visit number is this one?

One heck of a story, huh?

BTW, any time a story starts with, "No! God No!", you know it's gonna be good one, don't you?

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Newly Blonde Katy Perry On SNL Tonight: Look For More Than Few Boob Jokes

With her new and fresh shorter blonde hair do, Katy Perry holds a lot of promise as delivering a memorable new SNL tonight. Word on the street is to look for some really funny racy skits specially tailored for the star guest to excel in. Katy Perry also hinted that there will likely be far more than just a few boob jokes and skits tonight. Gee, who could have guessed that one?

The popular singer remarked about much she loved cast member Kristen Wiig. Perry noted, "And if she asked me to do anything. I'd totally do it".

Just last season, Katy's husband Russell Brand got to host SNL, so for Brand household it's becoming a family thing it seems.

Look for a few outlandish wardrobe changes tonight that highlight Katy Perry's boobs as well. You can see that one coming all the way up Broadway. But, all the fun should be in the details. It should be an enjoyable 90 minutes of laughs as well as few timely news item jokes as well.

BTW: Katy Perry also supplied the voice for the female Smurfette in the latest Smurf film.

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Holy Christ! Ann Coulter Offers Up A New Bizarre SciFi Abortion Theory On Logo's A LIST:DALLAS

Logo's A LIST:DALLAS must be looking for a trainwreck ahead or something? It seems that Satan's own Barbie Doll, conservative political commentator Ann Coulter had a really bizarre new political theory that she took time to espouse on an upcoming episode of the cable program. Coulter claimed that once the homosexual gene is identified, liberal yuppie parents would abort gay babies, so gay community supporters should become pro-life now to prevent these future abortions. Holy Christ! Who would even spend time thinking up such a bizarre scifi based theory about abortion?

Gee, thanks so much Ann for taking the very serious debate about abortion and moving it into the realm of THE TWILIGHT ZONE! Your comments sure help to clear up this serious moral and ethical debate considerably.

Someone Please Change Alec Baldwin's Diaper!

Actor Alec Baldwin certainly went all out misbehaving the last couple of days. First he delays an American Airlines flight because he refused to stop playing a cellphone game, causing a confrontation with airline employees, calling them inappropriate names and acting up enough that he was thrown off the plane, further delaying a flight to New York that was already running a half hour behind schedule. Then Baldwin begins a serious of Tweets on his Twitter account talking about how miserable airlines have become with "Filthy planes, barely edible meals, cuts in service to less-traveled locations", and even comparing airlines to a "greyhound bus" experience, creating anger over at the Greyhound company for his comments. And Baldwin also tweeted that the airlines are a place where "Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950's find jobs as flight attendants". Oh, what a lovely image!

Oh, did I forget to mention how Baldwin slammed the lavatory door so blessed hard that even the flight crew in the locked cabin were concerned about what was going on with the actor? Gee, and this guy wonders why he got kicked off the flight. He's lucky a federal Marshal didn't arrest him on some federal charge or something.

Today, Baldwin did apologize to others on the American Airline flight for causing them a further delay while he threw his little tirade. And he pulled down his Twitter account, deleting his comments over the last couple of days. Well, it's a start. But, now could someone please change his diaper? We've got a fussy baby here!

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Harry Morgan Dead At 96

Harry Morgan, the stone-faced actor best known for his roles in TV's M*A*S*H. and DRAGNET has died at the age of 96. His movie and film career spanned from 1942 until 1999, when he finally officially retired from acting work. Morgan was always known as being a a dependable actor with a dry and wry style that made him a unique acting entity. Rather than playing a leading man, Morgan always seemed like a good second bananas in film work. But, it was M*A*S*H. that really made him a beloved household name more than any other role he performed.

Morgan was unfortunately never really a legend to most people. But, he played a great everyman character in every film or show he appeared in. He was a good window dressing actor. But, I thought he was great in DRAGNET, as Joe Friday's dependable sidekick, and great in M*A*S*H. as well, where he appeared a little more vocal as a little less stoic than usual stiff self. His unique voice was always recognizable.

Harry Morgan was always like an old Rambler. Not pretty, but very dependable.

Thanks for the great memories, Harry. You were a legend in my book to me.

Former Illinois Governor Sentenced To 14 Years For Corruption

Flamboyant haired former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison today. It was one of the harshest sentences ever for a corrupt Illinois elected official. Some of the charges included an attempt to sell the vacated senate seat of Senator Barack Obama after he won a historic election becoming America's first African American president. While Blagojevich is a democrat, he succeeded republican Governor George Ryan who is currently serving a 6 1/2 year sentence for his corruption convictions. Corruption in Illinois politics appears to be very bipartisan.

Serbian American Rod Blagojevich was once a figure of the ethnic diversity of the state. But, as it appeared he was very corrupt, he became an embarrassment to the Serbian American community, who resented his image of dishonesty.

Today, in court, Blagojevich offered up an apology for his corrupt conduct while in office, however, Judge James Zagel appeared unmoved, and imposed the harsh sentence.

It had to be very disappointing to President Obama when his former seat in the senate wasn't treated with respect and Blagojevich basically attempted to sell his seat to the highest bidder.

Blagojevich's hair was always a conversation piece by the late night comics as well. It appears that he's a huge Elvis fan, and it appears to a cut influenced by the King's own style. Now, he gets to do the "jailhouse rock" just like his idol.

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Fashion Blogger Model Lauren Scruggs Horribly Injured In Aircraft Ground Accident

An absolutely gut-wrenching accident has horribly injured model, fashion blogger and GOSSIP GIRL wardrobe department intern, Lauren Scruggs. The beautiful 23 year old blond walked into the moving propeller while exiting a small aircraft. The Plano, TX born model had viewed some Christmas lights by air, and apparently didn't notice that the aircraft's propeller was still turning and exited the plane right into the path of turning propeller, chopping off her left hand, cutting into her head,causing shoulder and brain injuries, as well eye injury. It was absolutely a horrible accident. She is still alive, which seems like a miracle, but the extent of the brain injury is still unknown at this time.

Aviation experts think that it very poor procedure on the part of the pilot to allow passengers to board or deboard the aircraft with the propeller turning.

The young model has faced several surgeries since the accident, and is recovering in a Texas hospital right now.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

MISS USA 2010 Tweets False Statements After Her Arrest On DUI Charge

In 2010, when young Rima Fakih won the crown of MISS USA 2010, she broke the barrier by becoming the first Arab American and Muslim to win this beauty contest. Saturday morning she broke another barrier as of the first top MISS USA winners ever to be arrested. Although, alcohol is supposed to be strictly taboo in the Muslim culture and banned in many Arab states, it appears that Fakih was intoxicated to police officers who arrested her on suspicion of drunk driving in Michigan.

Fakih must be taking scandal denial lessons from former presidential candidate Herman Cain or something. She at first tweeted a public denial claiming that she wasn't even in Michigan at the time, and that it had to be another "Fakih", and not her. Then as more news sources such as ABC News began to report her arrest, Fakih deleted her intentionally misleading Tweets.

This seems to be the latest thing these days, get involved in some scandal, then lie about it, pretending it never ever happened. Apparently, being a lying ass sack of shit isn't just for politicians these days.

Hey, another beauty contest winner does the crown proud, huh?

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011


WRONG TURN 4 BLOODY BEGINNINGS is the latest entry in this tasteless slasher horror trash series, that acts as a prequel to the other three films in the series. In this latest installment, we find One Eye, Three Fingers and Saw Tooth locked in a mental institution for the criminally insane back in 1974 as children, who are able to trigger a mass escape of the patient inmates who then go crazy murdering the staff in absurdly violent manners. It's real gory horror trash here for sure, almost laughably violent because it's so over-the-top disgusting.

Now move ahead to 2011, when a group of young snowmobile riders get lost and end up stranded at the long closed down insane asylum. Well, you can see all the way up Broadway where this generic slasher horror trash film is headed, can't you? Certainly, the young folks end up disappearing, horribly murdered one by one by the insane brothers. It's predictable, but appealing enough of a thrill ride if gore trash is your thing.

If you like your films sick enough that most people would lose their lunch watching, then this trash-o-rama direct to DVD feature is for you. And with it's snowy Winter setting, WRONG TURN 4 makes a perfect enough Winter horror flick to curl up with a hot cup of chocolate with and a warm blanket.

The Bottom Line: Nothing really new to see here. About as predictable and routine as horror movie trash goes. But, still an enjoyable enough horror thrill ride to marginally recommend. A well produced trash film from FOX. **1/2 Two and a half stars, or a little better than fair.

Brooke Mueller Arrested For Assault And Drug Possession

Who could have ever guessed that someone once associated with Charlie Sheen could ever have problems with drugs or violence? But, Charlie Sheen's ex-wife, Brooke Mueller made quite a week of it by assaulting someone at Aspen's Escobar nightclub before getting herself arrested on suspicion of felony possession of cocaine as well as third degree assault charges. Brooke Muelller had previously been in and out of rehab programs before.

You only have to wonder how Charlie Sheen could have ever let this one get away. Brooke and Charlie have so much in common. They seem like a perfect match!

Well, we only have one word for things here.......A better than usual booking photo, courtesy of the Aspen Police Department.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Britney Spears Turns 30

Pop music icon, Britney Spears, spent a rather quiet 30th birthday ice skating in Houston. This is a far cry from her former reckless days of wildness, and more proof that she's matured over the years. Only a few scant years ago, the pop star seemed headed for self-destruction, appearing on the edge of an emotional breakdown when she performed weird stunts such as shaving her head bald or flashing her private parts in public. For a time, she appeared to be a woefully unfit mother as well, But, all of this appears to be well behind her now. Everything is all well in the world of Britney Spears right now, who is deeply in love with her boyfriend, Jason Trawick.

The new, more mature Britney Spears is also giving back as well. She's performing a free concert in Mexico City tonight. And next week she wraps her current world tour through South America.

Britney Spears had a number of well wishers who sent her heartfelt messages of joy for her joining the 30 club. These included celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, among others.

Congratulations, Britney Spears. You had us worried a few years ago. But, now you appear to be both happy and in well control of your life. That's all well and good. Welcome to the 30 club from Wizbang Pop as well.