Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Holy Christ! Ann Coulter Offers Up A New Bizarre SciFi Abortion Theory On Logo's A LIST:DALLAS

Logo's A LIST:DALLAS must be looking for a trainwreck ahead or something? It seems that Satan's own Barbie Doll, conservative political commentator Ann Coulter had a really bizarre new political theory that she took time to espouse on an upcoming episode of the cable program. Coulter claimed that once the homosexual gene is identified, liberal yuppie parents would abort gay babies, so gay community supporters should become pro-life now to prevent these future abortions. Holy Christ! Who would even spend time thinking up such a bizarre scifi based theory about abortion?

Gee, thanks so much Ann for taking the very serious debate about abortion and moving it into the realm of THE TWILIGHT ZONE! Your comments sure help to clear up this serious moral and ethical debate considerably.

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