Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Harry Morgan Dead At 96

Harry Morgan, the stone-faced actor best known for his roles in TV's M*A*S*H. and DRAGNET has died at the age of 96. His movie and film career spanned from 1942 until 1999, when he finally officially retired from acting work. Morgan was always known as being a a dependable actor with a dry and wry style that made him a unique acting entity. Rather than playing a leading man, Morgan always seemed like a good second bananas in film work. But, it was M*A*S*H. that really made him a beloved household name more than any other role he performed.

Morgan was unfortunately never really a legend to most people. But, he played a great everyman character in every film or show he appeared in. He was a good window dressing actor. But, I thought he was great in DRAGNET, as Joe Friday's dependable sidekick, and great in M*A*S*H. as well, where he appeared a little more vocal as a little less stoic than usual stiff self. His unique voice was always recognizable.

Harry Morgan was always like an old Rambler. Not pretty, but very dependable.

Thanks for the great memories, Harry. You were a legend in my book to me.

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