Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

No! God No! Brooke Mueller Spotted At Gun Range!

Fresh from her arrest a week ago for cocaine possession and assault charges, Charlie Sheen's ex, Brooke Mueller was spotted at a gun range wearing a cowboy hat, waving a real-life handgun. Oh, that's just what you wanna see at this point. Someone with gun and anger control issues involved with guns. Nothing can possibly go wrong there, huh?

You also have to ask yourself, "Could Brooke possibly polishing up her gun shooting skills at this range or something?". Why is someone with drug and anger control issues even at such a place? This is absurd!

For her part, Brooke Mueller claims after her arrest on the drug and assault charge that she'll re-enter yet another drug rehab program, one more time, once again. I've lost count, which rebab visit number is this one?

One heck of a story, huh?

BTW, any time a story starts with, "No! God No!", you know it's gonna be good one, don't you?

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