Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Amanda Knox Back Home

Amanda Knox's plane landed at Sea-Tac Airport this evening Seattle, ending the four year nightmare for the former college student who was convicted for the murder of a British roommate. Some reports are now raising some questions about the Italian prosecutor himself, although he has vowed to appeal the case to a higher court. For her part, Amanda Knox and her American lawyer both offered some kind words to her supporters at the Sea-Tac Airport who supported her during the last four years with car washes and other fundraisers while her family used every legal avenue that they could afford. Amanda Knox had at least three Italian lawyers working on her behalf as well.

Some like FOX's Bill O'Reilly compared Amanda Knox to Casey Anthony, claiming that both were found not guilty because of a broken justice system both in the USA and in Italy. Bill O'Reilly, might at least be partially right here, where both cases are likely to remain very controversial for years to come.

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