Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Ashton Kutcher Moves Out After Huge Sex Scandal

After news broke that Ashton Kutcher was involved in a huge sex scandal story on what what supposed to be his sixth wedding anniversary, news is that he has now moved out from Demi Moore. Some stories that Demi Moore is now suffering from substance abuse are being denied though. However, an eyewitness account did place Ashton Kutcher naked at a hot tub party with four young naked women, one of which is said to be his 23 year old mistress, Sara Leal.

Rumors started to emerge in the last few days that the marriage of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore might be in trouble, although there were some attempts to disclaim that from somewhere. Now, it seems to be a fact.

Another big issue is what CBS and the producers of TWO AND A HALF MEN must be thinking at this point. They were hoping to put all of the scandals of Charlie Sheen behind them. Now, in only the third week of the new season with Ashton Kutcher as the new lead star of TWO AND A HALF MEN he has once again colored the show with more outrageous scandal. It's almost like Charlie Sheen never left. Welcome back, Charlie?

While the ratings for TWO AND A HALF MEN still rate over 17 million viewers, that's down nearly 10 million viewers from the season premiere episode just three weeks ago. And a brand new HUFFINGTON POST entertainment opinion piece now argues that the experiment with Ashton Kutcher as a character just isn't working.

No doubt, both the producers of TWO AND A HALF MEN and CBS will watch the series ratings over the next few weeks and hope that the worst of the Ashton Kutcher sex scandal problems are behind them. However, if ratings continue to fall by 13% or more each week, and if more bad reviews for Ashton Kutcher's character as well as scandal stories emerge, then this may well become the last season for this once powerful CBS comedy. Things have to be a little nervous right now.

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