Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Millionaire Senator Orrin Hatch Wants Police Crackdown On Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protests

Claiming that the peaceful and legal Occupy Wall Street protests are going to turn into riots, ultraconservative Senator Orrin Hatch urged government and police crackdowns on the protests. This is hardly the first time that the Utah Republican senator has urged the Bill Of Rights to be suspended. While the protests tend to be heavily disorganized with few common themes, they are at least legal and allow the public to peacefully vent their frustrations at the nation's growing economic problems.

Hatch is also concerned the way that President Obama is loaning some sympathy to the protests by feeling the economic pain of the country, urging senators like Hatch to support his Jobs Bill. But Hatch seems unimpressed, and out of touch with the economic hardship that many Americans now face. The millionaire senator has a net worth of about $2.42 million dollars not counting homes and automobiles he owns.

The millionaire senator made attempts over some Republican presidential administrations to be considered for nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court so that he could curtail civil liberties in the country and roll back portions of the Bill Of Rights that he objects to such as free speech protections under the First Amendment.

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