Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Lindsay Lohan Heading To Jail Again

Another day, another problem for troubled actress bad girl Lindsay Lohan. Now, Judge Stephanie Sautner has revoked Lindsay Lohan's probation after she missed 9 dates at a Women's Center doing community service work. Lohan claimed that she didn't find that community service work very "fulfilling". The actress could now face a year and a half in jail, however jail overcrowding makes quite that long of a sentence seem highly unlikely.

The judge was very dismissive of the arguments from Lohan's lawyer about her obligation that she had to do work overseas, missing her community service dates for that reason, as the actress was photographed partying on a number of celebrity websites over in Europe.

Before being hauled off from the courtroom in handcuffs, the actress was told to complete 16 hours of community service in the county morgue. She is now awaiting a November 2 hearing to sentence her to jail time. All of this is probably about to be expected. Lindsay Lohan can only behave herself just so long it seems like.

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